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        Persona - “Julia – the shy singer”

        Goals - Getting to know other people and share ideas in a safe environment

        Task- Interacting with unfamiliar teammates and sharing ideas


  • Julia is very shy and doesn’t like interacting with unfamiliar children. Her mother is worried that she does not interact with her peers and may not be able to do well in her studies especially team projects in her school. Julia’s school teacher tells her mother to install the CLIK (Collaborative Learning in Kids) application in her iPad so that her interaction and team skills can be augmented.  Her mother follows the advice and downloads the application on Julia’s iPad.


  • Julia’s mother Katerina tells her that she can play the new game and talk to her favorite cartoons on iPad. She opens the application and gives the iPad to Julia. Julia is asked to click some pictures she likes from the images shown. She selects images of a guitar, a leading pop singer, people interacting with each other and a few favorite cartoon characters. Based on her selection, she is assigned a team whose interests include singing and talking.


  • Julia is not aware that she has been added to a team of four including her. She is introduced to three cartoon characters, Scooby, Blossoms and Tin Tin. The application tells her to tell two things she likes and one thing she hates about herself to this new group of friends (the cartoon characters).


  • Next, the application gives Julia a task to find differences in a set of pictures with her friends. She is given a quarter area of an image, and is told to find differences with the corresponding image. Her cartoon friends, which are infact kids unknown to Julia, are doing a similar activity at the same time. Once Julia is done and so is her teammates, the activity is complete and Julia is happy to work with her new friends.


  • The application now tells Julia that her friends Scooby, Blossoms and Tin Tin are infact James, Kara and Ricky. She is prompted to say Hi to her new teammates and introduce herself. Similarly, the other teammates introduce themselves. Julia is happy to meet her team and since they all like music and one of her teammates is a singer herself, she is pretty excited.


  • The application next gives the team a topic based on the group's interest. And all the participants are given time to speak in a round robin fashion in a video conference. Julia sees the video of  what the application wants her, and her other teammates to do. She speaks on the topic of her favorite singer and gets a chance to sing her favorite song in the group discussion. After the group discussion, her teammates give her positive feedback and Julia is very happy. She is motivated to participate more and make do more fun activities with her teammates.


  • Then all the teammates are told to suggest one name for their team. Julia suggests “Rock Stars” and there is polling in the software between the name she suggested and the names other’s suggested. She is prompted to choose two names from the four she likes. Ultimately, her suggested name wins and she is ecstatic.


  • A new team is added to her dashboard and she can do activities with them or chat with her teammates. She also sees a leaderboard with different teams having different points according to the activities they did and wishes that her team would reach the top of that list after doing lots of fun activities.













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